Juries and Damages

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Noah, Lars. “Civil Jury Nullification,” 86 Iowa Law Review 1601 (2001).

Schkade, David, Cass R. Sunstein, and Daniel Kahneman. “Deliberating About Dollars: The Severity Shift,” 100 Columbia Law Review 1139 (2000).

Sharkey, Catherine.The Future of Classwide Punitive Damages,“46  University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 1127 (2013).

Sharkey, Catherine. “Economic Analysis of Punitive Damages: Theory, Empirics and Doctrine,” in Research Handbook on the Economics of Torts (Jennifer Arlen, ed., Edward Elgar 2013).

Sharkey, Catherine.The Exxon Valdez Litigation Marathon: A Window on Punitive Damages,” 7 St. Thomas Law Journal 25 (2010).

Sharkey, Catherine. “Federal Incursions and State Defiance: Punitive Damages in the Wake of Philip Morris v. Williams,” 46 Willamette Law Review 449 (2010).

Sharkey, Catherine. “What Drives the Passage of Damage Caps?,” in Empirical Studies of Judicial Systems Around the Globe (Institutum Jurisprudentiae, Academia Sinica, 2008) (with Jonathan Klick).

Sharkey, Catherine. “Crossing the Punitive-Compensatory Divide,” in Civil Juries and Civil Justice: Psychological and Legal Perspectives (B.H. Bornstein et al., eds., 2008).

Sharkey, Catherine. “Punitive Damages as Societal Damages,” 113 Yale Law Journal 347 (2003).

Sharkey, Catherine. “Punitive Damages: Should Juries Decide?,” 82 Texas Law Review 381 (2003) (reviewing Sunstein et al., “Punitive Damages: How Juries Decide” (2002).

Vidmar, Neil, and Mirya Holman. “The Frequency, Predictability, and Proportionality of Jury Awards of Punitive Damages in State Courts in 2005: A New Audit,” 43 Suffolk University Law Review 855 (2010).

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Wenger, Kaimipono David, and David A. Hoffman. “Nullificatory Juries,” 2003 Wisconsin Law Review 1115 (2003).